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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Prezentating....World Cafe Method!!

My last grad class is Ethics and the Teacher in Society.  We were all hoping for a professor that would take it easy on us due to it being our last course of our program. Although it is not as easy as we had hoped, it is really making me think.  This course is having me think of all my actions in a different way. 

In our course, we have to present an activity that aligns with the chapter our professor presents to the class (everyone is assigned a different chapter). 

I love to do different activities to change it up so I created a Prezi. If you haven't used Prezi, it's a free online presentation system.  There motto is thinking outside of the powerpoint slide.  As with anything new, the more you use it the more you understand it.  You can begin by importing your PPTs and then creating something completely new. 

While on the adventure to seek a new way to present to my colleagues, I came across World Cafe Method.  I remember this method from my undergraduate days, but forgot about it.  I think this would be a fabulous way to incorporate in your classroom into a lesson.  Of course, this would be something the students would need to be modeled for awhile before letting them go to this method.  It's a great way for collaborative dialogue and their is one leader for the group,while the other students/participates rotate to another group. 

Although the ideal grouping time is 90 minutes, I plan to shorten it for my grad class & my students.

Tell me what you think, have you used this in your classroom- Prezi &/or World Cafe?

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